Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Journey Part I

Ann Hirschi and I left Seattle Thursday morning, September 30 to head for Oklahoma via the Southwest. The Subaru was stuffed with all sorts of things that I thought would be necessary for our trip and for our survival in Oklahoma until the time the movers arrived. Turned out that the only thing that really came in handy was the electric hot water kettle. The back of the car was devoted to cats and plants. Zoom and Beryl rode out the trip in their cat carriers like veterans of travel, although this was the first time they had been on a journey longer than the 5-minute trip to their vet. The first day we pressed through to Ontario, Oregon, where we stayed in a nondescript motel and enjoyed a Mexican dinner with some very good margheritas.

The next day we drove down through Idaho and into Utah. It was a second day of steady driving, as we planned to dally later in lower Utah. The most remarkable thing that happened this day was that we experienced the worst traffic jam either of us could remember as we crawled from Ogden to Provo. It was three hours of stop and go, and there was no exit. Highway 15 is the only was to move between the mountains and the Salton Sea, and we strongly recommend that you avoid it at all costs. However, once we escaped this torture, the landscape we were driving through at sunset (along Highway 6) was gorgeous. By nightfall we had arrived at Price, proud home of more than 57 varieties of immigrants (no kidding; one of the sights promoted in local literature is the cemetery where the smorgasbord of names can be seen on the gravestones!), and we found a local brew pub for our dinner. Our motel hosts were Polish, and had Polish dresses on display in their lobby. Breakfast was very good!

The third day we finally enjoyed some spectacular scenery. Our first stop was at Arches National Park where these pictures were taken. We were there around noon, so the light was high, but still the landscape was magnificent. Ann spent more time in the museum that I did, as I was occupied with my feline charges, and she may have some information to add to this post, but we both agreed that this was a place to return to!

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