Well, I'm going to try this again. Wella, wella, well, ah...I can think of at least three people who have warned me that the use of the word "well" is a waste of time, but I rank it among my favorite prevaricators.
The honeysuckle (Lonicera flava in this case, I think) does not prevaricate. It knows where it wants to go: everywhere. Now there's spirit for you! A name that combines both the temporal and the eternal: Lonicera for some German guy (although his name suggests some Italian root) and flava for the color yellow in Latin.
Perhaps I've decided to try writing this blog again because I am missing my Latin, because I'm missing my friends, and I'm missing writing nonsense. I am writing, and enjoying it, but gads it's difficult at times! I am feeling particularly inept today, hence this missive. Lots of "missing" going on there. Now what's the etymology of that word? Looks like it's Middle English, like this: "I am a-missen my luv..."
Now I know that you probably don't want to follow me into interminable rambling, so I promise to devote this blog to Nature. Nature, that is, in the form of plants and weather. I have been thinking about this for awhile, as I have been turning my yard into a garden, something I would not have thought possible one year ago. It is Oklahoma, after all. But we have been blessed with a benign and relatively cool spring, and I often find myself thinking that I live in paradise for the moment. Here is another image that makes me think so:
This is my pergola where I've been reading and writing in the morning. I can do this as long as I cover myself with mosquito repellent, and after some initial resistance to the idea, I capitulated since I rarely am having white-glove lunches these days anyway. The cover up is well worth it, because my avian orchestra is remarkably diverse and especially active in the morning. There are lots of new birds right now (new cardinals every day, just like the Borgias!), and it's very amusing to watch them learn the tricks of bird life and to hear them trying to sound like adults. Funny how that doesn't happen in the human world. No student I know wants to sound like me...hmmm.

I think that's it for today. I bet the trick to keeping this up is to keep it short. So I'll exit with a photo of my languorous Zoom. A bientôt, mes amis!
Dr. Kitty
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