Sunday, November 7, 2010
First trip to the Wichita Mountains
Click on the image to see the my album from this day trip to the beautiful Wichita Mountains in southwestern Oklahoma.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Order outside the court
Below is how it looked before:
You can vote!
How the new electrical revealed a termit party
To find studs and plates that looked like this.
Luckily, the party took place years ago, and the house was recently treated , but still, a classic nightmare!
The challenge to the electrician: which wire goes where? So far there is only one mystery circuit...
And can always accurately pinpoint the center of any space.
Skyspace at night
This is a view looking into the front entry hall from the courtyard.
And the moon, the scene-stealer.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
in the landscape, and quite another to see the fins themselves being transported. They are huge! Often mounted as a pair on either side of a giant I beam, they are easily the most beautiful cargo on the highway.
We entered Oklahoma at sunset. The sun was at our back, an orange globe that moved slowly towards the netherworld, and the evening was ahead of us, in shades of warm blue and purple. As we drove along with that huge expanse of Oklahoma sky above us, it felt as though we were traveling in the chariot with the universal and ancient gods who bring night to the land every day of our lives.
It was like this until we hit the suburbs west of Oklahoma City, and then on the drive down to Norman, this is what we saw: the gods of commerce in control! Washingtonians would cringe at the unbridled enthusiasm for advertising here. In some ways it reminds me of my early days in LA. I especially like how the big lights of the car lots and other commercial centers came out in these photos taken while we were moving along the highway.
Well, that's it for now! I'll be back soon with more about what's happened after Ann and I arrived in Norman, and other events after that. I've been feeling like every day has been a little battle to keep ahead of the game, but now that I finally have a refrigerator, everything seems OK and I can relax. I will explain. In the meantime, I want to thank everyone for all their help during my move, and also tell you how much I miss you all!
The Journey Part III: New Mexico
Morning inside the mesa
The Journey Part II: The Far View Inn on the Mesa
We arrived just in time to visit the museum and get a look at the cliff dwellings that we would visit the next day. That evening we attended a lecture on the history of the dwellings and the Indian cultures of the area, and afterwards we had a most delicious dinner in the Inn restaurant. Our dinner included local specialties such as mole sauce, corn pudding, and prickley pear relish. Get thee to the Far View Inn! http://
My cat Zoom was anxious to see the views too. In the middle of the night I got up to get something out of the car and he escaped, running away from me as fast as his legs could take him, with his tail up and his loose belly fur swinging merrily side to side. I despaired of chasing him, and sat down on the stoop in front of our room. It was a beautiful night with a million stars gleaming. I would have been completely at peace except that I could also hear rustlings that suggested horned owls on the prowl. Occasionally I called "Zoom, Zoom!" and finally he did appear and I buried my nose in his fur with relief.
Cliff dwellings seen in the evening, and below, Ann offering you a bite of trout.
The Journey Part I
The next day we drove down through Idaho and into Utah. It was a second day of steady driving, as we planned to dally later in lower Utah. The most remarkable thing that happened this day was that we experienced the worst traffic jam either of us could remember as we crawled from Ogden to Provo. It was three hours of stop and go, and there was no exit. Highway 15 is the only was to move between the mountains and the Salton Sea, and we strongly recommend that you avoid it at all costs. However, once we escaped this torture, the landscape we were driving through at sunset (along Highway 6) was gorgeous. By nightfall we had arrived at Price, proud home of more than 57 varieties of immigrants (no kidding; one of the sights promoted in local literature is the cemetery where the smorgasbord of names can be seen on the gravestones!), and we found a local brew pub for our dinner. Our motel hosts were Polish, and had Polish dresses on display in their lobby. Breakfast was very good!
The third day we finally enjoyed some spectacular scenery. Our first stop was at Arches National Park where these pictures were taken. We were there around noon, so the light was high, but still the landscape was magnificent. Ann spent more time in the museum that I did, as I was occupied with my feline charges, and she may have some information to add to this post, but we both agreed that this was a place to return to!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
God's Golf Course
Apologies: some of these images no longer show, and I have yet to figure out why, so rather than have them appear as blank boxes I've eliminated them, although the descriptions are still here. Ugh! Blog management...
This one is not my image, but I show it because my camera, in a most diabolical mood, told me I had used up my memory by the time I was ready to shoot big skies and landscape. And the landscape is what this day trip was all about--although, as you will see, I couldn't resist some buildings.
About noon today I headed southeast in 95 degree heat (which didn't bother me in the least) to discover the southeast and visit a place called Supher, where there are springs sprinkled throughout limestone formations. On the way south I took I-35, the main north-south corridor in Oklahoma, and I saw horse and cattle trailers that I had never seen before; I mean, these were trailers with air conditioning and lounge chairs for the animals, and classy graphics on their exteriors identifying the ranches! But the view I took in during my drive that was most impressive was the landscape. It was green everywhere, and rolling (the photo doesn't do it justice), with stands of trees liberally sprinkled about, and (like the photo) beautiful cloud formations . It was drop-dead gorgeous! It really looked like a giant golf course, hence the title of this blog (don't worry, I'm not converted to the First Baptist Church yet!).
This is the building that houses the Sulpher Times-Democrat, to show you that not everything in Oklahoma is Republican.
Below, the Sulpher bank, showing the tendency of Oklahoma Main Street buildings that find themselves on corners to address the center of the intersection.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
My Birthday Present
Late this afternoon I received the news that the seller accepted my offer! Yikes! There had been a similar offer, but they were excited that an architect would buy it. I can't believe my good fortune, and what a cool project I have on my hands! Tune in for the next installment...
Pay dirt?
Here's some Oklahoma dirt for you. Red clay. For rivers and lakes, just imagine the water image magnified a million times. Not all water here is red, of course, but that shown here gives you a good idea of what 80% of the homes look like, and this is cool. results in consistency. Block after block of houses share similarities of color and materials, qualtities related to the earth about them, and their unique qualities are found in their forms and the vegetation that surrounds them. I like this. It reminds me of what I see everywhere in France, where stone is a commonly used building material and one can see that it comes directly out of the surrounding earth. In the Northwest, our use of wood, requiring protection through paint, results in a real collage of colors that can sometimes be chaotic. I'm becoming an Okie snob! Now as far as the pay dirt part of it goes, I have no idea what the best color for oil-rich soil is? Do you? And by the way, I'm learning to say "ahlll" for "oil."
This house on Walnut Avenue in Norman does not have a storm shelter, but it will get one if I buy it. It was built in 1963, designed by an as yet unknown architect, and has a beautiful and simple layout, with Roman brick walls, floor to ceiling windows with 1/4" thick glass, and slate floors in the entry and dining room. It has a few problems, but the attractions outweigh them, and the location is perfect; I could walk to campus and the houses nearby are beautiful and well-maintained. On the opposite side of the street the houses back onto a creek where there is a community swimming pool, and it seems that the soil here is well-draining sand and gravel, the legacy of an old river bed. This is important, as most of the earth in Oklahoma is red, red clay (of such an amazing color that I will post a photo), and dense and difficult for plants.
Between Thursday evening and yesterday, I looked at about 30 houses, and quickly eliminated any that didn't have mature trees on the property. It was great fun looking at all these houses, and I amused the realtors by insisting on going into the storm shelters. Of the 20 houses that I actually went into, only about 5 had storm shelters, and they varied in their locations and details. All of them except one were in back yards. They all had heavy wooden or metal doors about 4' x 8' that were hinged on the long side. The best ones had a weight and pulley system that made them easy to open. I understand that the new ones have hydraulic lifts inside so that if you need to get out and your house has moved over on top of the shelter it will enable you to escape--maybe! Most of them had concrete stairs that went down into a chamber, either a concrete chamber or a metal cylinder like a culvert, and they are vented, so you see the little vents poking above the ground outside. They had varying degrees of moisture in the bottom--there is frequently a high water table here (blame that on the clay), so it's difficult to keep below ground structures dry. They all had spiders. One, the nicest, was dry and clean and the owner had plastic boxes with the emergency essentials stacked below. That was my model for what I will have.
I've learned that the winds come from the north and south and the heat comes from the west (as it does everywhere), so the ideal orientation of a house would be a diamond shape on a lot that following the US grid system. There is actually a part of Norman that shifts the grid (just as Yesler and Denny do in Seattle) so for this requirement that would be the perfect part of town to live in to protect yourself from weather. But that part of town is commercial and close to the RR tracks, so no dice. However, the Walnut Avenue house is oriented pretty well for protection, so I'm happy--or will be if I get it. If my offer on this house isn't accepted, there are a few other options that will work, but this is by far the most interesting of the lot, and in the best location. Wish me luck!